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WNSO(Worldwide Nepalese Students' Organization was etablished to bring
all Nepalese under one Umbrella and to provide the platform for sharing knowledge,information, ideas. We all know every year many Nepalese students fly overseas for study and many of them face a lot of problems after arriving or before flying. Hence WNSO's idea came to minimize these problems giving exact information, helping each other and making Nepalese community strong enough to protect students' rights. WNSO is totally non-politcal and non-profitable organization with the aim to create a pure Education Friendly environment among all Nepalese.

.:. Let's join hand-in-hand wherever you're
and make WNSO a platform of Nepalese Brians.

WNSO-KOREA is sister organization of WNSO and came into existence as per the constitution of WNSO. So, WNSO-Korea will be bound by the rules & regulationof WNSO. We request all who are studing here in korea to join WNSO, hence WNSO-KOREA.



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